Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Feminists before the Invasion of Iraq

Ruth Rosen, among others, has reported on the plight of women in war-torn Iraq:
To avoid such dangers, countless Iraqi women have become shut-ins in their own homes. Historian Marjorie Lasky has described this situation in "Iraqi Women Under Siege," a 2006 report for Codepink, an anti-war women's organization. Before the war, she points out, many educated Iraqi women participated fully in the work force and in public life. (emphasis added, "A Wave of Sexual Terrorism In Iraq," AlterNet, 14 July 2006)
But how many feminists spoke up about the fact that "many educated Iraqi women participated fully in the work force and in public life" under Saddam Hussain's Ba'ath Party government and supported that government against the empire?

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