Sunday, May 14, 2006

Link van de Maand

MRZine is Dutch magazine Grenzeloos's "Link van de Maand" [Link of the Month]. Here's the blurb it gave MRZine:
Het Amerikaanse Monthly Review (MR) is een van de langst bestaande en meest gerespecteerde marxistische tijdschriften. Sinds enige is het MR zine online, een website waaraan lezers zelf een bijdrage kunnen leveren. Het resultaat is een boeiende mengelmoes van korte en langere artikelen over een grote verscheidenheid van onderwerpen, geschreven door auteurs uit de hele wereld.

[The American Monthly Review (MR) is among the longest-standing and most respected Marxist magazines. MRZine has been online for some time, a Web site to which readers themselves can make contributions. The result has been a captivating mix of short and long articles concerning a wide variety of subjects, by authors from all over the world.]
How nice!


piety piet said...

speaking of borders; I have remarked a few things here and there (focusing on Ayaan Hirsi Ali comin your way soon, to the AEI). first of a bunch

piety piet said...

5th: disgusting dutch lefties disgustingly try claim championship to their nemesis (miss Magan a factor in rising popularity of the right wing party she departs from the whole lot of them getting everybody to shoot in rare unison at the substitute scapegoat (Verdonk) by way of giving cover) now that she ceases to be a threat.
Politics are pure theater, a cover for cooptation, pisspoor substitute for real monetary diversity in both (and thus balancable) private and public sectors.
breuken in gebreke
signifiers without signifieds
noemers zonder tellers